Best Moment in Sports History
By Bradley Cameron on 9/16/2011
The best moment in sports history is certainly subjective, but here is what makes this one the best. After watching these, describe or share a video link of your favorite moment in sports history.
The last reason would be reason enough. Watch and see.
To see the whole series highlights, watch below.
If I was to remove subjectivity out of the equation then the 2004 Red Sox vs Yankees ALCS would be the best moment in sports history. Reason's being.
You may have noticed that all the best moments are against the Yankees. I guess you can't have a great moment without a great opponent.
Division Championship Series
Game 5, winner take all
Extra Innings
Against the Yankees
Griffey is the Hero
The last reason would be reason enough. Watch and see.
To see the whole series highlights, watch below.
If I was to remove subjectivity out of the equation then the 2004 Red Sox vs Yankees ALCS would be the best moment in sports history. Reason's being.
Never Been Done, in Any Sport
Greatest Comeback of All Time
Against the Yankees
Red Sox the Hero
You may have noticed that all the best moments are against the Yankees. I guess you can't have a great moment without a great opponent.